Monday, May 19, 2008

We can fix broken hearts!

For too long i hid my broken heart!
Afraid that others might not understand my flight,
I hide everyday through my mask
and succeeded in fooling them that i am alright!

Day in and out i took my chance!
thought that everything will turn out right!
Unfortunately the wound never stopped bleeding!
and my body started falling!

I never understood the reason why!
I kept my broken heart out of sight!
Because i am a man I have to fight!
Be like a knight, that shows no fright!

But when i am alone the pain seeps in!
and the gallant knight nowhere to be seen!
Only a child in tears and pain!
In search for a cure, for a heartache's pain!

I searched all places for clues and reasons!
but found nothing just disappointment and pain!
I searched for help and there it was!
The cure i was searching was hidden in my own heart!


footiam said...

Hey, Terrence, I think a person who hides his or her broken heart isn't just afraid of not being understood; sometimes it's a matter of being fearful of being laughed at, ridiculed and teased.That means too a fear of not being taken seriously. It's a terrible feeling when you get to know that people don't care .Some people too feel embarrassed about their broken hearts and therefore, wear masks which to me isn't wrong at all. In such situations, wearing a mask doesn't mean you are going to hurt anyone; you are just trying to prevent yourself from being hurt.
Some people do not hide their broken hearts; since understanding their own hearts, they see no point and has no need to talk about it, especially not to just any Tom, Dick and Harry. Now, which category are you in, Terrence? Perhaps, the antidote is in knowing.